
Supported platforms

Vyatta documentation

Learn how to install, configure, and operate the Vyatta Network Operating System (Vyatta NOS) and Orchestrator, which help drive our virtual networking and physical platforms portfolio.

Admin users

An overview of the Admin user role and the related commands.

Administrator (admin) users have full access to the Vyatta CLI. Admin users can view, configure, and delete information and execute all vRouter operational commands. Admin users can also execute all operating system shell commands and constructs.

The vyatta default user is an admin user.

To create an admin user, enter the following set of commands in configuration mode.

vyatta@vyatta:~$ set system login user user-name level admin

vyatta@vyatta# set system login user user-name authentication plaintext-password password

vyatta@vyatta# commit

where user-name is the ID of the user account you want to create and password is the password you are assigning to the user.

Although operating system shell commands are always available to admin users, they are not shown when these users employ command completion to query the CLI for available commands. This is because there are several hundred operating system shell commands and constructs available at any time: showing all available operating system shell commands makes it very difficult to distinguish available CLI commands.

Admin users can see available commands by entering help at the command prompt.

You can remove the restriction on command completion by setting the VYATTA_RESTRICTED_MODE environment variable to none:


This setting removes the restriction on command completion for all users, regardless of privilege level.