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Learn how to install, configure, and operate the Vyatta Network Operating System (Vyatta NOS) and Orchestrator, which help drive our virtual networking and physical platforms portfolio.

Configuring route tables

For traffic to pass through the router, the Azure route tables must be configured.

The following example shows a router with an IP address of on its primary NIC. The route table is to be configured so that any traffic originating in the App-Subnet subnet ( destined for the DB-Subnet subnet ( passes through the router.

First, create a route table. This can be done by using the azure network route-table create <resource-group> <name> <location> command as follows:

$ azure network route-table create vRouter App-Route-Table westus info:	Executing 
command network route-table create
+ Looking up Route Table "App-Route-Table"
+ Creating Route Table "App-Route-Table" data:	Id	:
/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000/resourceGroups/vRoute r/providers/
data:	Name	: App-Route-Table
data:	Type	: Microsoft.Network/routeTables data:	Location	: westus
data:	Provisioning state	: Succeeded info:	network route-table create command OK

Next, add a route to the route table; this route applies to any traffic destined for the address range and sends the traffic to the specified virtual appliance. To create a route, use the azure network route-table route create <resource-group> <route-table-name> <name> command as follows:

$ azure network route-table route create --address-prefix
--next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --next-hop-ip-address vRouter
App-Route-Table DB-Route
info:	Executing command network route-table route create
+ Looking up Route Table "App-Route-Table"

+ Looking up route "DB-Route" in route table "App-Route-Table"
+ Creating route "DB-Route" in a route table "App-Route-Table" data:	Id	:
/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000/resourceGroups/vRoute r/providers/
Microsoft.Network/routeTables/App-Route-Table/routes/DB-Route data:	Name	: DB-Route
data:	Provisioning state	: Succeeded
data:	Next hop type	: VirtualAppliance data:	Next hop IP address	:
data:	Address prefix	: info:	network route-table route create command OK

Finally, associate the route table to a subnet. In this case, the App-Route-Table route table is to be associated with the App-Subnet subnet. This association is done using the --route-table-name option of the azure network vnet subnet set <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name> command as follows:

$ azure network vnet subnet set --route-table-name App-Route-Table vRouter
Net App-Subnet
info:	Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the virtual network "Net"

+ Looking up the subnet "App-Subnet"

+ Looking up Route Table "App-Route-Table"

+ Updating subnet "App-Subnet"

data:	Id	:
/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000/resourceGroups/vRoute r/providers/
data:	Name	: App-Subnet data:	Provisioning state	: Succeeded data:	Address 
prefix	: data:	Route Table id	:
/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000/resourceGroups/vRoute r/providers/
info:	network vnet subnet set command OK