
Supported platforms

Vyatta documentation

Learn how to install, configure, and operate the Vyatta Network Operating System (Vyatta NOS) and Orchestrator, which help drive our virtual networking and physical platforms portfolio.

Terminating an instance

Issuing the poweroff command within Vyatta NOS does not deallocate the Vyatta NOS VM, and you continue to be charged. If you have finished using a router instance temporarily, you can deallocate the instance, while allowing it to be resumed later by using the azure vm deallocate <resource-group> <name> command as follows:

$ azure vm deallocate vRouter vRouter1 info:	Executing command vm deallocate
+ Looking up the VM "vRouter1"

+ Deallocating the virtual machine "vRouter1" info:	vm deallocate command OK

To bring a deallocated Vyatta NOS VM back up, use the azure vm start <resource-group> <name> command as follows.

$ azure vm start vRouter vRouter1 info:	Executing command vm start
+ Looking up the VM "vRouter1"

+ Starting the virtual machine "vRouter1" info:	vm start command OK

If you have finished using a router instance permanently, you can delete it by using the azure vm delete <resource-group> <name> command as follows.

$ azure vm delete vRouter vRouter1 info:	Executing command vm delete
+ Looking up the VM "vRouter1"

Delete the virtual machine "vRouter1"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting the virtual machine "vRouter1" info:	vm delete command OK