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Vyatta documentation

Learn how to install, configure, and operate the Vyatta Network Operating System (Vyatta NOS) and Orchestrator, which help drive our virtual networking and physical platforms portfolio.

Applying the rule set to the public zone

The following example shows how to apply the rule set to the public zone.

Table 1. Applying a rule set to the public zone
Step Command

Apply a description to the public zone.

vyatta@R1# set security zone-policy zone public description “PUBLIC ZONE”

Apply the interface to the zone.

vyatta@R1# set security zone-policy zone public interface dp0p1p4

Apply the to_public rule set to the private zone.

vyatta@R1# set security zone-policy zone public to public firewall to_public

Commit the configuration.

vyatta@R1# commit

Show the policy configuration for the public zone.

vyatta@R1# show security zone-policy zone public

description "PUBLIC ZONE"
    interface dp0p160p1
    interface dmz
    interface dp0p1p4
    to outputzonetofiltertraffic {
        firewall to_public