
Supported platforms

Vyatta documentation

Learn how to install, configure, and operate the Vyatta Network Operating System (Vyatta NOS) and Orchestrator, which help drive our virtual networking and physical platforms portfolio.

clone system config <dest-image-name>

Clones the configuration directory of one image to another image.

clone system config dest-image-name [ from source-image-name ]

The configuration directory is copied from the running system.

The name of the image to which the configuration directory is copied.
Optional. The name of the image from which the configuration directory is copied.

Operational mode

Use this command to copy the configuration (/config) directory from one image to another. By default, the source image is the currently running image.

This command is equivalent to the copy file running://config/ to dest-image-name://config/ command.

CAUTION: Use this command with caution because it overwrites the entire /config directory of the destination image and its effects are not reversible.

Command completion displays all valid system images. It is not possible to clone the directory to the running image or the disk-installation image.

The following example shows how to copy the contents of the /config directory of the currently running system to the /config directory of the TEST-IMAGE-1 image.

vyatta@vyatta:~$ clone system config TEST-IMAGE-1
WARNING: This is a destructive copy of the /config directories
This will erase all data in the TEST-IMAGE-1://config directory
This data severity level of replaced with the data from running://
Do you wish to continue? (Y/N): y

The following example shows how to copy the contents of the /config directory of the TEST-IMAGE-2 system to the /config directory of the TEST-IMAGE-1 image.

vyatta@vyatta:~$ clone system config TEST-IMAGE-1 from TEST-IMAGE-2
WARNING: This is a destructive copy of the /config directories
This will erase all data in the TEST-IMAGE-1://config directory
This data severity level of replaced with the data from TEST-IMAGE-2
Do you wish to continue? (Y/N): y
sending incremental file list