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Vyatta documentation

Learn how to install, configure, and operate the Vyatta Network Operating System (Vyatta NOS) and Orchestrator, which help drive our virtual networking and physical platforms portfolio.

show policy qos <interface-name> map <map-type>

Displays different types of profile map. Use the output of these commands to verify that the third stage of classification is correctly configured for each profile.
This keyword exists for 'organizational' purposes only, to structure the configuration path for relevant command strings.
qos <interface-name>

The name of the interface that has the QoS entity attached that you wish to clear or show.

Note: Example interface and VIF names

Example interface names: dp0p1s2; dp0xe14; dp0vhost3.

Example VIF names: dp0p1s2.20; dp0ce3.100.

map <map-type>
Where <map-type> is:
  • dscp
  • mark
  • pcp
  • platform

Show PCP information (example)

user@system:~$ show policy qos dp0p3s0 map pcp
Class Of Service->TC:WRR map for default

  PCP |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
      |  3:0  3:0  2:0  2:0  1:0  1:0  0:0  0:0
Class Of Service->TC:WRR map for class 1

  PCP |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
      |  3:0  3:0  2:0  2:0  1:0  1:0  0:0  0:0
Class Of Service->TC:WRR map for class 2

  PCP |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
      |  3:0  3:0  2:0  2:0  1:0  1:0  0:0  0:0

In this example:

  • WRR map for default tells us that this profile map is for the default profile (class 0).
  • PCP column headers 0 through 7 are simply the PCP values. Vyatta NOS will queue packets that have the PCP value to x:y, where x identifies the traffic class and y identifies the WRR queue.

Show DSCP information (example)

user@system:~$ show policy qos dp0p3s0 map dscp
DSCP->TC:WRR map for default: (dscp=d1d2)

     d2 |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
  d1    |
     0  |  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0
     1  |  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0
     2  |  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0
     3  |  2:0  2:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0
     4  |  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  0:0  0:0
     5  |  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0
     6  |  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0
DSCP->TC:WRR map for class 1: (dscp=d1d2)

     d2 |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
  d1    |
     0  |  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0
     1  |  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0
     2  |  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0
     3  |  2:0  2:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0
     4  |  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  0:0  0:0
     5  |  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0
     6  |  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0
DSCP->TC:WRR map for class 2: (dscp=d1d2)

     d2 |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
  d1    |
     0  |  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0
     1  |  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  3:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0
     2  |  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0  2:0
     3  |  2:0  2:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0
     4  |  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  1:0  0:0  0:0
     5  |  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0
     6  |  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0

In this example, we see DSCP map information for a QoS policy that is attached to interface dp0p3s0. This QoS policy has three classes; two that use set policy qos name <policy-name> shaper class <class-id> ... command strings, and one that uses the default profile (class 0).

Although it's all the same in this example, the DSCP map information for these three classes could be different — each class can use a different QoS profile with its own DSCP profile map.

For each class, the DSCP map shows which traffic class weighted round robin queue (TC:WRR) the system will use to queue packets with a particular DSCP value.

So, for example, to find the TC:WRR queue for DSCP value 39, cross-reference row 3 with column 9 — there you see that the TC:WRR value is 1:0.

Show mark map information (example)

user@system:~$ show policy qos dp0ce0 map mark
Designation/DP->PCP mark map for dp0ce0:

 0/0 -> 0
 0/1 -> 0
 0/2 -> 0
 1/0 -> 1
 1/1 -> 1
 1/2 -> 1
 2/0 -> 2
 2/1 -> 2
 2/2 -> 2
 3/0 -> 3
 3/1 -> 3
 3/2 -> 3
 4/0 -> 4
 4/1 -> 4
 4/2 -> 4
 5/0 -> 5
 5/1 -> 5
 5/2 -> 5
 6/0 -> 6
 6/1 -> 6
 6/2 -> 6
 7/0 -> 7
 7/1 -> 7
 7/2 -> 7

The mark map shows what PCP values the system will assign to packets on egress, based on their input designation and drop-precedence (Des/DP).